Frömmer M19

Cal. 7.65mm

Fake !

The holster is German markings are WaA63 ,D.R.G.M. The frommer is in 7.65mm and the most curious thing is that on one side it has the German eagle and swastika on it and on the other side it has WaA63 which was for Mauser Obendorf from 1935-1939. On the other side instead of the Bp and Hungarian Shield it has an "A" in a circle on it.


In the page with the Frommer Stop you claim that the WaffenAmt stamp is a forgery. Not necessarily so, all kinds of pistols were used in Second World War by the Germans, if they were successful repaired they were controlled by the nearest Waffenamt inspector, and stamped with his WaA number.

Some more samples of the same is known to exist.

Jan Stil on his book on Axis pistols shows an Armand Gavage pistol with WaA stamp. Many different weapons was used here in Copenhagen in the occupation by the factory guards, if they were repaired they were stamped WaA C6, same thing happened in Austria.

By the way the Danish WaA inspector was Oberfuerwerker Rupert who had office on the DISA (Madsen) factory talked to people who knew him , they told me he was an alcoholic and didn’t care much was he was doing

Peter (Denmark)