Rifle of officer of cavalry Model 1793:

Length of the weapon: 755 mm

Length of the barrel: 380 mm

Barrel: With eight sides, mouth slightly trombloned. Seven helical equidistant grooves. A small front sight is placed on the barrel.

Lock: the lock comprises the inscription “M Re. IMP OF VERSAILLES” in right capital letters. The hammer is model year IX. One finds the punch “D” for the controller Deschaseaux Jean-baptiste and inside “HP” for Herbulot

Rod: Strong with head in the shape of nail, which presents a threaded rod bored.

Wood: the rifle has a stick with a support cheek in relief, an inscription become illegible is on the other side (in capital letter)

Trimming: All the trimmings is silver plated, even the small basin was silver plated!

Imagination of an officer or modification for civil which used there as arms with hunting?

We don’t have any indication on the importance of the manufacture of the rifles. There are no tables of manufacture or rules for these rifles which, creation of civil rather than of a soldier, are weapons which are made conspicuous by their antiquated aspect.

Rifles of Versailles will derive a certain number of rifles from luxury, sometimes weapons of reward allotted to personalities or senior officers.

DESCHASEAUX Jean-baptiste: born in 1756. Controller with the manufacture of Versailles the 2 brumaire AN VI, confirmed like 2nd controller the 1st vendémiaire AN IX, works with the workshop of the platinors of St-Valéry-on-Nap, dependant on Versailles, until his closing in pluviose AN X. 1ercontrolor is named the 1st messidor AN X with this rank and at the same date with the manufacture of Roanne. To Versailles like 1st controller the er vendémiaire AN XIV returns and will occupy this station until the closing of manufacture.

HERBULOT: worked with the workshops of Paris and exerted the functions of reviser to the manufacture of Versailles during AN IX, X and XI.

Philippe CH.