Lighter (Briquet)of infantry

Short sword, short saber which was for the use of the infantry and artillery to foot.

In France since 1765 short “lighter” has to make fire by making sparks as has to cut branches it was also useful is in fact the matchet of the time, the revolutionary saber which I have at manufactured summer that during 2 years its manufacture is rather rustic but it is relatively rare in this state.

One speaks for the first time about this saber in the payment about 25 April 1767 organizing the equipment about the soldier - this weapons is substituted has the sword. The adjudants and officers replace when with them the esponton by rifle and the bayonet in 1750 (Ordinance of Roy 7 May 1750 and manual of exercise of May 1, 1754)

Here is for the historical complement.


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